Welcome Preemie Wednesday, 10/28
Meet Joshua!
Joshua was born at 28 weeks. He is doing well and learning new things every day!
"At birth Joshua weighed 620 grams (1 pound and 5.8 ounces) and he currently weighs 7385 grams (16 pounds and 4.5 ounces).
The most challenging is: Seeing your baby in pain and not being able to help. Just seeing them so small and not in your tummy where they should be. Being completely helpless and in the hands of Doctors. Even when you think you know something , you second guess yourself all the time because surely the docs and nurses must know more than you, although, sometimes a parents intuition is stronger than anything else.
The best part is: ALL of the cuddles. The skin to skin cuddles are just so special. Seeing your baby/babies hit all the milestones. Gaining weight, coming off of their oxygen, eating etc...
A memory that will always stay with me is: The first skin to skin cuddle when Josh was a week old. I've never held anything so small or felt any love like it. I used to sit for 5-6 hours straight just so I didn't have to put him down.
What brings me joy: Joshua's smile and laugh, his cheeky personality, his strength, and the fact that he learns new things every day. I love watching how happy he is when he learns something new.
Advice for parents of preemies: Everybody deals with and accepts things differently. You and your partner will deal with things differently too. My husband had to think very positively to get through whereas sometimes I just couldn't be positive. I was more realistic, emotional and sometimes sad. We argued a lot and didn't understand each other at all but in the end we realized that the differences in how we were coping with it were exactly what we needed. I needed his positive attitude to lift me up and he needed my more realistic attitude to keep him from getting too carried away. That's why we're all different and that's important. Also make friends with other parents. We spoke to so many people and every person has a completely different story but ultimately you are all in the same position and facing impossible situations. So speak to each other, care for one another, look out for one another. you're not alone. We made some of the best friends in the NICU that we will treasure forever and now we get to watch our miracles grow up together and play together. It truly is so so special.
We live in England. I have to shout out the amazing National Health Services staff in all of the hospitals which have looked after Josh. They truly are incredible and without them, Josh wouldn't be here. The Doctors and Consultants are utterly amazing, the Nurses are amazing and the charities and all of the other staff there to help the families are invaluable. Everyone has such an important role to play and we wouldn't have made it through without them”.
-Chels- (Joshua’s Mom)